Thursday, December 29, 2011


As promised - Eric and I are fully-ready to announce the name we've chosen for Baby! Over Christmas weekend we were able to share the name chosen with the remaining members of our family - specifically Motsy (who will not only be blessed with ONE great-grandchild in 2012...but, TWO! - Congratulations, again, Amanda and John!).

Before first names were even discussed - we had our middle name chosen: Louise. Louise is my Mamaw's middle name. My grandparents - Mamaw and Papaw - have played such a large part in my life, and I wanted a way to honor them. As you can probably tell, my Mom means the world to me - and having the opportunity to recognize her parents means alot.

When first discussing names - almost years ago, we had chosen the name Ava. Ava Louise sounded great at the time. I still love this name - and still call dibs for Baby #2...but, as the months went on it started falling through. Maybe it's the over-popularity of the name these days - or that something else just fit better. The less and less I referred to her as Ava, the more I knew it just wasn't the name for her. Of course, having sold myself on Ava so many years ago - I wasn't ready to begin thinking of new names.

Leave it to my amazing husband, who refused to discuss boy names, to think of the winning choice. Maybe it was the countless hours of being forced to watch Glee - or listen to the soundtracks over and over - but, when he mentioned "the" name...I was sold. No (and I she was not named after one of the actresses...just happens to share the first name. Eric shares the name of a famous baseball player - but he's not named after him!

We might also have kicked ourselves in the butt with the name we've chosen. When first talking about names, we kept saying to each other "No nicknames!" - meaning, we wanted a name that really couldn't be shortened. No "Jennifer" (because of Jen), no "Rebecca" (because of Becca), no "Kimberly" (because of Kim), etc. But, after a little compromise (which I'll explain shortly...) we decided we'll insert our feet into our mouths and bite this one!

Ladies and gentlemen...I'd like to make an announcement. The name we've chosen is:


From Day 1 she'll be referred to as Gwen - hint, the nickname conversation above - and will be referred to as Gweneth when she's in trouble...but, that will never happen! I absolutely love the name "Gwen". I love how it's girly, short, unique and perfect for a baby, toddler, teenager and adult. And, I think it fits perfeclty with our personalities and her middle name.

I was sold on just naming her Gwen from the beginning - not even giving the opportunity to have it shortened, but Eric was rather pushy with spelling it out. He wanted it spelled with a "y" instead of an "e". Not that I don't agree with the parents who have used "y's" in the middle of names - please don't take this as I am! - but, I've never been a fan. Therefore, we compromised - change it to "e" and we can lengthen her name. It truly was that easy of a decision!

From the moment we picked Gwen, we stopped referring to her as "Baby". To me, she already carries the personaility that fits the name - and I've yet to lay my eyes on her (completely)! I love the feeling I get when calling her name - specifically in conversation with Eric. What seemed like it would be a difficult decison to make - truly was not. And, we could not be more thrilled with her chosen name!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Well-Behaved Baby

Today we had our monthly check-up, along with the follow-up ultrasound..and, we are quite the proud parents this evening! The appointment first started out with the ultrasound - checking on her heart and spine (shots she was rather stubborn at sharing last month), as well the cord and placenta previa.

I'm so excited to share - not only has her cord completely moved, but the placenta has moved in the right direction! Eric was more on-top of question asking this time and specifically asked of the chances it moves back...and, it's important to note - it can't (well, won't). I'm beyond relieved with this news - as I drilled it in my mind that we wouldn't be receiving this good of news today.

She wasn't shy whatsoever at today's appointment - showing off her heart for all of us to see. I love getting the "everything looks great" comment - almost like I should color a picture of a heart and place it on the fridge for a job well done. Her spine also looks great - which is all good news. Dr. Bell didn't have fears that anything was wrong with her heart or spine last month, Baby just wasn't in a great spot for her to have a good look.

Unfortunately, the bleed found last month is still persistent - and doesn't seem to be going anywhere. I was given the "as long as you don't see blood, there's no need to worry" conversation. Truly not seeing any blood on my end has really helped remain calm. I'm also off pelvic rest...just as I was milking the no heavy exercise thing...

Her heartbeat was 155, and she's measuring right on schedule (today she's 23 weeks, 1 day - and measuring 23 weeks, 3 days). She's also packed on the ounces and is weighing in at 1 lb, 7 oz.

She was waving to the camera almost the entire morning - as if I'd expect anything else. She's already camera-ready like a star! And, better yet - check out this profile...

How can you not love this?!

The next appointment is in 4 weeks, which will include the 2-hour glucose test. No ultrasound is scheduled for next appointment - which means today might be the last time we get to see her before she makes her big entrance into the world. Part of me is excited, which means we're that much closer...but another part is pretty sad - the ultrasounds have been amazing.

I love every ounce of her little, itty-bitty body and c.a.n. n.o.t. wait to wrap her in my arms!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


At what point should one stop counting up to 40 weeks and start counting down?!

We're officially at the beginning of Week 23 - with only 17 weeks to go! (Of course, writing down 17 weeks sounds much longer than saying we have less than 4 months to go.)

Therefore...17-Weeks-To-Go Reflections:

Movement: She's moving all over the place. Feeling alot of movement lower in my stomach, and alot on my left side. The other morning, Macie woke up super early and after taking her outside to potty I hopped back in bed. Once I got comfortable (and warm!) again, Baby started moving like crazy. Either she was ready to get up - or was upset I woke her.

Cravings/Aversions: Not really craving anything recently - however, I did splurge on some bananas and PopTarts at the grocery tonight. As for aversions - not really having anything here either. Throughout this entire pregnancy I've noticed what I loved before - I still love...and what I didn't like before - I still don't like.

I am feeling: Wonderful! I'm sure I sounded like a broken record over the weekend answering the "How are you feeling?" question - but, I really couldn't feel better. I'm starting to get a little uncomfortable in certain positions, but that really doesn't bother my feelings. Still haven't gotten queasy or upset - I almost feel spoiled!

What I miss most: Sleeping on my back. There have been a few nights where I've been on one side of my body and desperately want to swing over to my back. The feeling of switching sides just doesn't cut it. Eric's done a great job of letting me know I was on my back...the following morning. I've done a great job of letting him know he's snoring.

Best moment of the past week: CHRISTMAS!! This holiday weekend was full of great memories - but more importantly (for us, I suppose) it was full of anticipation of next year's Christmas. It's fun to talk about how different it will be, not to mention how different LIFE will be! :) I can't wait to lay out Santa cookies and watch her open her gifts Christmas morning.

She did receive quite the stack of gifts this Christmas and is one blessed-baby! Thank you very much to everyone who thought of her this year. Your thoughtfulness just made it that much more exciting waiting for her to get here! :)

What I'm looking forward to this week: Another relaxing, three-day weekend - not to mention we're making the final selection on Baby's chair for her room and starting to paint the "mural" tree and birds.

Before Week 23 is over - it will officially be 2012. Eric and I were "reflecting" back on how eventful 2011 has been just with the idea of planning/expecting Baby. We went from thinking January was "our month" to being told to shut the door to being told we conceived on our own and unfortunately losing our baby (but gained an Angel) finally the happiest moment of our journey and this moment today. It's been a surreal trip - but one I wouldn't change for the world. If 2011 was's to an even better New Year! :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy 22 Weeks to us! :)

As we ramp up for our Christmas travel - as in the last Christmas travel withOUT Baby! - I'm filled with excitement to see our families! For many of them - we haven't seen each other since the announcement that we're expecting...and, it's safe to say - I'm excited to share my BUMP!

This week Baby is popping out - given she's grown tremendously over the last several weeks. Say hello to our little...


TheBump mentions that she's sleeping anywhere between 12 and 14 hours a day...oh, to have her life! I've felt her move more and more - which tends to be the highlight of my day. Alot of the kicks and/or punches are on my left side - here's to hoping she uses the right side of her brain like her Mommy.

TheBump also mentions three no-so attractive upcoming items to look for...

#1 - Stretchmarks. So far, they've stayed away from me - which I'd like to credit to my amazing genes and the amount of coco-butter lotion I use. But, unfortunately, I understand they aren't avoidable.

#2 - Weight Gain. As of this morning (post breakfast, too!) I have gained a total of 14lbs. Almost split my pants when I saw the number on the scale - but reminded myself, it's all for Baby. Moving forward, they mention that there's a half pound of weight gain each week. Saying my prayers to the Pregnancy Gods they go easy on me from now until Week 40...

(One good thing to mention, no "pregnancy nose" for this chick! I've read that women's noses expand during pregnancy - and I can't help but check mine out every opportunity I get. So far, so good.)

#3 - Swelling. Truly, TheBump uses "minor", but after looking down at my feet tonight while trying some clothes on at Macy's...there's nothing "minor" about it. My feet look disgustingly swollen. I'm elevating them for the rest of the night, and praying they come back to normal.

On a good note, have I told you how much I love my pregnancy hair?! After several months of growing out my bangs, I had Nicole cut them short again. LOVE how they're working with me!

As mentioned already, this week we're specifically excited to spend time with our families. Friday morning, Dad and I are headed to Louisville - with Eric to follow Saturday morning. We will get the opportunity to share as much news as possible, and her name!, with the ones we love the most. Saturday night, after celebrating Christmas Fihe-style, the entire Carrico family is headed back to Indy to celebrate our first Carrico Christmas on Christmas Day in Indiana. (For those who are just catching on...that's a change after 16 years!)

Sunday night, Eric and I have opened up our home to celebrate Christmas with the Davis Family. We had Christmas dinner at our house last year - and minus the out-of-gas, freezing cold, snow, etc. "event" - it's great to have everyone together! My favorite part - watching our four nephews light up! This year, Auntie Em has cookie decorating plans for all the boys - which can only mean I'll need some soap and scrub to clean up the mess...

And, lastly, to pick up from my post a few days ago - Eric has started tracing the "mural" on Baby's wall. After Christmas and the New Year, we'll purchase the paints to finish up the project. I'm beyond thrilled with how this is going to turn out!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Lover's Knot

We accomplished so much this weekend - more than I would have expected...given we have 128 days until Baby's estimated date of delivery. Then again, we have only 128 days!

As previously mentioned, we planned to paint the walls this weekend. Friday morning Eric and I nailed down the final choice of color before I walked out the door for work. Without a doubt, we wanted pink - but were looking for a light, pastel-ish shade for the walls. We ended up taking a three-color swatch and matching the darker shades of pink to the colors in the bedding fabric. We then went with the lightest shade on the swatch. Winning choice:

Lover's Knot
Friday night Mom and I went and purchased the paint and put up the first coat. Not going to lie, at first I thought it was too "pink". We agreed to keep painting - waiting to see what it looked like completed and with the natural light from the window outside. Saturday afternoon we went for a second gallon and contemplated going for a shade lighter. After not finding one that I liked, we took our chances and bought the same Lover's Knot color. After the second coat was complete - I could not have been happier! We can't decide if it's because of the flat paint on the wall before or just the lighting from the night before, but the color is perfect. It looks fantastic against the white trim and doors - and will look even better up against the white furniture.

Until we get a ceiling light put in, we're using floor and table lamps. Doesn't give a great picture - but I couldn't not share.

Of course, we did have our observers - making sure Mom didn't drip paint on the carpet...

And, finally tonight my handy-man husband put together her crib. Eric was right, it feels more "real" now that the crib is up and set in place. It looks FANTASTIC! As he was putting it together, I kept getting more excited about how happy I was with our final decision. We even had a little "helper" while putting the crib together!

Daddy has some special help...
Just testing it out...
Now, we move towards finalizing the design! :) We've borrowed the projector Amanda has "borrowed" from her elementary school and are planning to paint a mural on the wall opposite of her crib and a few birds above her crib. I wasn't wanting paintings at first, but after we put to images on the wall with the projector - how could I not love it?! Eric is super excited to put his artist touch on the walls - and is going to begin working on the sketches and painting this week. I can NOT wait until they are finished! It truly will bring the room full-circle.

Again, the pictures aren't great - it is only the image from the projector...but, the anticipation of the final product makes it all worth it!

Birds above the crib!

Tree mural against the window wall.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Role Model

Today is a very important day in our household. In one way, it has everything to do with the journey we're on to becoming parents for the first time. But, in another - maybe even slightly selfish - it has everything to do with only one person. Today is about Eric.

After 4 long years, countless hours spent in the classroom and thousands of minutes spent studying for exams, writing papers and presenting projects - today, Eric officially graduates from Franklin College. When we first met - almost 8 years ago - we sat up late one night talking about plans for the future. That night he mentioned to me that he had a 10-year plan for himself. In 10 years, he was going to have a degree in his name. It seemed like a forsaken dream at the time - like 10 years would never come.

Less than half way through the 10 years, and three full-time job changes, Eric made the decision that if he were ever going to accomplish his goal - he would have to start small and start soon. He immediately excelled - putting so much focus and determination to starting out strong. I'll never forget the conversation Dad had with Eric shortly after classes started. He told Eric that anyone can take your car, your house, your money away from you - but, at the end of the day - no one can take away the accomplishment of graduating from college.

Like so many times in our relationship, through challenges have come opportunities. Fall of 2008, Eric lost his job due to the economy. In that moment of hardship - he knew what opportunity he had. And, for our future moving forward - we knew what opportunity we had to take. Eric applied to Franklin College's full-time enrollment for classes starting in the Fall of 2009...and was immediately admitted. Since then, he's dedicated so much time to performing well. And, in less than 10 years - he's tackled his goal.

While it hasn't always been easy - he's excelled on so many levels. Scholarships, Dean's Lists, never dipping below a 3.0 GPA. And, he's done it without asking for attention. Even tonight, he's said over and over that "it's not that big of a deal". Yes it is. What he has shown is determination to accomplish goals you set for yourself. This is truly a trait I pray he explains to our daughter one day. Accomplishing this dream wasn't just for himself - it was for us, our future and our family.

Eric, I could not be more proud of you! You are a true role model for our baby and for the future we have together. Congratulations on a job well done. I love you!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Today marks the start of Week 21! According to the Bump, we're looking anywhere and everywhere for baby names, while also feeling some third trimester symptoms - leaky tatas, Braxton Hicks contractions and heartburn.

Uh, negative on all, we aren't "looking" for Baby's name - because it's already been chosen! We aren't the couple to hide anything related to this child - but, I'm waiting until after we tell Motsy her name at Christmas. Expect a full post in just a few short weeks! I've also not had a drop from my boobs, Braxton Hicks or heartburn. Her kicks have picked up - I can't wait for Eric to feel them...even though that comes with the thought of her kicks getting stronger and maybe hurting...not that I'm complaining...

We learned today that Baby is roughly 10 1/2 inches long - and the size of a:


Typically each morning, I get my email from TheBump and copy/paste it into an email for Eric to read. I failed today - and forgot to send him his email...consider it the pregnancy brain!, tonight we opened it and read it together. When I announced that Baby is the size of a banana, Eric had to ask: "What kind of banana? A Chiquita Banana?!" Yes - let's hope!

I'm continuing to enjoy every ounce of this pregnancy. My belly has definitely popped over the last few days - there's no denying there's a baby inside! For now, my leg cramps have subsided - knocking on wood! - but the occasional headache has begun to pester me. My nights after work are pretty lazy - and one of my favorite things is laying on the couch and cuddling with our fur-child, Macie. Each night she curls up in my lap and after a while, will rest her head on my belly. It's like her own, personal pillow!

One of the symptoms to look for this week is dry, itchy skin on or around my stomach. Have you ever noticed how immediately when you talk about a part of your body itching, it does?! I swear, two seconds ago it wasn't!!

This week we're looking forward to painting her room! Of course, it will most likely be Saturday - and the majority of the painting will probably come from Nana. (Don't listen to her when she says she's forced...she loves it - and, well, from experience - I'm a pretty sloppy painter.) After the paint is up - we'll start on the crib...who says now is too early?!

Sunday, December 11, 2011


This morning we hopped in the car, headed to breakfast and went to Babies R Us to create our baby registry. I imagined it being a little less overwhelming, compared to our bridal registry - but, I couldn't have been further off. I think, because with a wedding, we knew we needed everything - plates, towels, a blender, a toothbrush holder - but, for a baby we weren't sure what we needed and what we didn't need.

Instead of starting at the front of Babies R Us, we started in the back and worked our way forward...a little trick we've learned from grocery shopping. We had a lot already nailed down from our browsing trip a few weeks ago. We kept the "big" items neutral - knowing they could be used for Baby #2...if and when that happens. That, of course, didn't stop us from fulfilling our wish list with loads of pink accessories. (Let it be known, we were looking for purple too - but we failed.)

We ventured through the highchairs, play yards, stroller and car seats before tackling the bath and safety section. We opted to detour past the bottles and pacifiers, as that seemed to be the most overwhelming section of all. At one point my phone rang, I went to answer it and next thing you know - Eric was missing. He ventured over to the FAO Swartz section...only to register for a few more items. We then headed towards the bedding, blankets and toys. We headed back to the breast pumps, bottles and pacifiers and made what we hope are the best choices.

We decided to take a note from NASCAR and went for a final lap around the store - scanning anything we might have missed. All together it took us a total of two hours start to finish, and I think it's safe to say - we won't be needing a second trip.

Today definitely made it feel more "real" as we've headed out of the tunnel from half-time and into the second half. If we haven't said it before, let me say it now...we're VERY ready for her to be here with us!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


In the words of Bon Jovi...

WE'RE HALF WAY THERE! Whoa, livin' on a prayer!

I'm absolutely in love with this feeling! We've hit a huge milestone - not to mention one more week closer to meeting our Princess. :)

They weren't kidding when you say you're energy builds back up during the second trimester, I've felt great! Granted, I can still nap like a champ, and have never had a problem falling asleep...why start now? Still haven't started swelling and (thankfully!) haven't hit the heartburn stage of pregnancy symptoms - but the leg cramps at night haven't gone away. They are much better now - but, I may just be getting used to them.

Quick reflections for the week...

Movement: Definitely feeling her move more! Still very light, but I know it's her...she enjoys letting me know she's there while at work. I think she loves the talk of HR, too.

Cravings/Aversions: I'm loving everything sweet! Not quite chocolate-sweet, more like sugar-sweet. I must say that I've held myself back from the multiple trips to the office down the hall from me at work - who just happens to have Starbursts practically calling my name! What I haven't held back from...sweet rolls with orange glaze! :) Still no aversions, outside of what I couldn't stand pre-pregnant.

I am feeling: Amazing! It helps when outside features are starting to balance themselves out - keeps the spirits up! My hair has finally become style-able - which was not the case last month. I kept waiting and waiting for the "amazing" pregnancy hair, and after my touch-up appointment on Saturday - I'll be back! Also, my teenage acne has cleared itself up...for now. And, finally, my belly is starting to round out - looking more like a baby's inside there and not just that I ate too many sweet rolls! And, it must be really noticeable to everyone else - as just this last week I had several people notice and say such nice things! :) Of course, it's starting to "round" just as we learn Baby is the shape of a...


Still feeling very calm about the news given last week. And, (still) no signs of bleeding at all - which is the best part.

Best Moment of the Past Week: THE CRIB HAS ARRIVED!! Who'da thunk it?! What was supposed to be an 8-10 week wait, turned into only 2 short weeks. I got the call yesterday from BuyBuyBaby - and immediately asked Amanda if she would be so kind as to lend us her truck for the evening. Granted, we picked the night that wasn't dry by any means - as it was raining in Indiana for almost three straight days. Mom came with us, and brought the tarps to cover the box. Let it be known, that SHE was the one who pushed for us to pick it up yesterday. I wasn't, by any means, objecting - but as we were driving back home (at a rather quick speed to try our best to not soak the box), she tried to act as if she had nothing to do with picking it up yesterday. Liar, liar...

Either way, it's safely at home - and in our garage. After we paint the room, we'll set her up. And, paint will be coming soon! :)

What I'm Looking Forward to This Week: Registering this weekend! Now that we've hit the mid-way point, we've decided to start our registry. A few weeks ago, we walked the aisles at Babies R Us, getting an idea of what we would like - to make the actual day of registering less stressful. For anyone who knows Eric and I - grocery shopping with a list is difficult enough.

"Whoa, we're half way there! Whoa, livin' on a prayer!
Take my hand and we'll make it, I swear.
Whoa, livin' on a prayer!"

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Believe in the Chinese

I was drawn towards the Chinese when a friend of mine was expecting her second baby. And, then anytime I knew someone was pregnant. No, not because of wontons or egg rolls, but because of their unbelievable way to predict the gender of one's baby!

For so many women I've been around - the Chinese never seem to fail. Therefore, naturally, when Eric and I began planning to extend our family - I immediately reached out to the Chinese. We've both always wanted a girl first. Granted, we really always wanted a baby first - but if we had a choice, we'd prefer having a Little Emily before a Little Eric.

When we first started trying for a baby - it seemed to work itself out...the months that "something" signaled ovulation (which my body was struggling to do on her own) - it was right with the Chinese! But, then it stopped - both the Chinese trend of months and ovulation completely.

Jump to July 2011 - when our prayer was answered, and my girly parts listened! Almost immediately after our pregnancy was confirmed, I leaned on the Chinese for some suggestions...

The Chinese Gender Chart above is the one I use frequently. This chart takes the month of conception (July) and the age of the mother at conception (25). Found our match! Often when I have people tell me I'm wrong - I direct them to this site...Angie and Ali...and they soon find out the reason to my madness.

(Unfortunately, the entire chart from BabyCenter is far too large for this page, but I've included our results!) BabyCenter, like TheBump, I use often for answers about symptoms and weekly updates. Similarly to TheBump, this chart tracks the age of the mother, but calculates the month of conception for you (based on the baby's due date). Never a wrong answer here - reason for source #2!

Lunar Age Gender Chart

This chart is one that takes a few more steps to complete. First, you have to calculate the mother's lunar age. For me - and the month of July - I am 27 years old, in the 6th lunar month. Not really my favorite site to use (the extra step always delays for immediate responses!) - but, like our case, never fails.

You can call them myths - or choose not to believe. But, the Chinese don't lie...and, I for one could not be happier with their prediction every time! Who doesn't believe me now?!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Where do we start?!

For those who checked in yesterday, just waiting to read our weekly update...I apologize for making you wait. But, have I got some news to share! :)

First, an update from yesterday - we've hit Week 19! And, this week - we're back to our favorite food group...


Looking back at my Week 18 update, very little has changed. I'm feeling her move around even more now - and I love every minute of it. Still, they aren't too strong - but, I'm pretty sure she's kicking with an attitude.

What could possibly make this week even better? Our 19/20-Week ultrasound was this morning! :) Eric asked me this morning if I was more nervous today than I was at our 13-Week ultrasound - and I really wasn't. (He kept mentioning that he was.) After our last ultrasound I have done nothing but refer to Baby as "she" or "her"...therefore, I was trying to prepare myself for the "It's a boy" conversation. I kept thinking about who would tell Baby's Nana that all the pink things would need to be exchanged for wasn't going to be me.

19 weeks, 1 day

Together with the theme of this pregnancy...Baby didn't fail! :) And, she is definitely a SHE!

Her heart was racing at 145 bpm and she seems pretty squished. She's hanging out mostly on my left side (which I now know is the reason I just can't get comfortable sleeping on that side).

She was quite the lady at first - not really opening her legs for the tech to take a good peak. After some pushing around, while measuring and checking out other parts, she finally "opened" up. It was crazy to see how much she has changed - still my favorite part is watching her little heart just beat away. She looks healthy and happy in her current home - and is measuring right on schedule...19 weeks, 3 days. As of today, she weighs a whopping 12 oz.!

We received her quad screen results back - and everything looks great, which made me extremely happy. Of course, with great news does come a bit of unsettling news - but thankfully NOT towards Baby. I have to keep repeating to myself that the baby is doing fantastic and measuring right where she should.

Today we learned that I have a low-lying placenta, which is causing two things. First, it's causing the baby's umbilical cord to currently cover my cervix. Of course, this is a problem when it comes to delivering Baby. They've also found that I have a marginal placenta previa and found a slight bleed on the ultrasound. This took me by complete surprise as I have not had any spotting or bleeding whatsoever. The promising news is that the previa can fix itself - shifting the opposite direction. Here's to hoping that comes true!

I called my Mom immediately after leaving the appointment and walked her through everything the doctor mentioned. With the history of the women on both sides of my family - she wasn't surprised one bit. So much of what I've gone through regarding my entire "girl system" seems to match Mom or one of her sisters. At least I know I've got some great women for advice and support!

I'm officially on pelvic rest until our next appointment - in 4 weeks. At that appointment we'll get the opportunity to see Baby again...and most likely, another after that. I have no problem getting more opportunities to see her before her grand entrance!

As I mentioned earlier, I'm very balanced knowing that Baby is doing great. I'll gladly take a worry for myself over worrying about her. I still love Tuesdays - but I'm in love with this Wednesday for sure!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


I woke up this morning feeling an incredible warmth of thankfulness. As I write this post, I can feel the flickerings of our little one inside my tummy...she is why we are truly thankful this Thanksgiving. We went through such a journey to be here now, that this feeling is overwhelming. We are thankful God has given us the amazing opportunity to become parents. We didn't always understand and agree with His decision to take us down the curvy road, but could not feel more blessed knowing where His road has led us.

This is a Thanksgiving we will look back on and remember, the amazing grace He has given us as we planned for our first child. We are so thankful for the love and support we have been given from the very beginning.

To our Baby, Mommy and Daddy are so thankful for you. We wake up every morning excited that we're one day closer to meeting you. You are the ultimate gift that God has given us. You have already made your Mommy and Daddy better people, and for that we thank you.

To our families, we are thankful for you. Really, we're more than just thankful - but it seems so fitting. You prayed for us, and with us, when we least expected it. There were times when, by speaking nothing at all, you said everything. You have been our support, and will continue to be Baby's support as she grows. How we became this fortunate, we'll be forever grateful - and know that you will be everything and more to our child. Your love and support has never gone unnoticed.

But, most importantly to me, to my very best friend, I am thankful for you. Eric, I am thankful God guided me to you and has given us the strength, courage, power and love to build our lives together. You mean the absolute world to me. You make me belly-laugh, you listen, you always have the answer when I'm lost. You are Home to me. I am so thankful to watch you accomplish your dreams, sacrificing the things you have, and giving you the opportunity to be a father. I love you!

...and for this, I am thankful.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

18 Weeks

Check that out! It's unreal to see how close we are to the "half-way" point.

Today marks the beginning of Week 18. And, in perfect Thanksgiving fashion - our little baby is now the size of a...

(Just like her Mom, always fitting for the occassion!)

The biggest challenge I have set for myself this week is not sleeping on my back. The last few nights I've done extremely well - from the times I've woken up...but, now as Baby (and my belly!) starts to really grow, it's incredibly important to keep the good progress up.

Looking at the "what you might be feeling" section - one thing is for sure...leg cramps. I woke up the other night practically in tears from the pain. So far, the best remedy I've found is to stretch like crazy, move around and drink nothing but water. (The last part I leave out in the middle of the night, knowing I already pee enough!)

So far, no swollen feet or hands - but I'm sure that's on its way! And, no "real" backpain...again, yet. Of course, that hasn't stopped me from requesting a nice foot or back massage from my Baby's Daddy! :)

The BEST part of about Week 18 - feeling Baby kick! It comes and goes - and usually happens when I'm the most comfortable...go figure. But, I can't complain - right now they're super cute and painless.

This is sure to be an exciting weekend - as Baby's Great Mamaw and Papaw have arrived from Louisville! (More family will be arriving on Thursday!) We have so much to be thankful for this year, it's triggers my pregnancy hormones on-the-spot...

As I grab a tissue, I just have to say...I absolutely love Tuesdays!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Winning Choice

Consider tonight a huge milestone...thanks to Baby's amazing grandparents, we have officially purchased Baby's crib! It's just a matter of a short 8-10 week wait until it arrives. After going back and forth, I was finally able to make up my mind yesterday afternoon. We had it narrowed down between two choices:

1. Bonavita Peyton Lifestyle Crib
2. europa Baby Palisades Lifestyle Crib

Both cribs came in a shade of white (which is a must to match the dresser), but the biggest difference between the two is the headboard. The Peyton crib has a straight-line headboard, and is raised much higher than the Palisades curved headboard.

Walking out of the stores, I was sold on one over the other. It wasn't until Sunday when my mind completely switched. Looking at the material for Baby's bedding, paint color swatches and the brochures from all of the beds we liked the most, I knew which one I really, really wanted.

And, the winner is:

Bonavita Lifestyle Crib - Peyton Collection

Good choice, huh?! I really loved the "girly" effect the Palisades crib had, but I kept thinking about putting Baby's name above her crib and not liking how the curves may throw my idea off. Also, I specifically like how much bigger the Peyton crib is over the Palisades. It stands taller and the headboard is much larger - which will look better against the wall. Overall, I'm extremely happy with our choice!

Why purchase it so early?! Nothing better than taking advantage of coupons! :) Currently Babies R Us is running a 20% off "everything" coupon, and buybuyBaby just happens to honor all of BRU's sales. Cha-ching! Also, my anxiety nightmares are kicked in thinking about back-orders and not having the crib by the time Baby arrives. (I know, it's a bit much...)

I love everything about planning for Baby - and tonight holds the far! :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


While reading this week's update - you just might need a piece of Double-Bubble for the taste in your mouth. Why, you ask? Here's your answer...

At Week 17, Baby is the size of an onion! Not quite the most glamorous food choice, but we'll take it.

Quick Reflections from this week - as the UK game is on...and well, Mommy has priorities! :)

Movement: I felt her kick!! Monday, while at work - jamming away to Macie's favorite Katie Perry song ("Fireworks") - I felt three flicks in my stomach. They weren't hard - and I haven't felt them since - but I also haven't been as calm as I was on Monday. (By calm, I mean sitting down-ish.) I immediately sent Eric a text message, and his response back: "Are you sure it wasn't gas??"...Ladies - back up, he's charming AND taken.

Cravings/Aversions: Truly anything with fruit - really anything sweet and nothing salty. Something else I've found, not to be a craving, but more found to be rather tasty: MILK. For you this might not be such a "craving" - but for me, this is huge. I was never a milk-drinker pre-Baby. I enjoy it in the morning with my cereal, but now I can pour myself a glass (not too big) and enjoy a nice treat.

As for aversions - salt. Which, really isn't a bad thing - but I used to be a big pretzel/chip fan. Not so much anymore. As a weird aversion...I'm over wearing underwear at night! (What? Was that TMI?!) For some reason when I'm laying in bed I can not get comfortable for the life of me - so, off they go. (Please note, I do wear pants/shorts to bed over my bare bum.) I feel much better commando!

I am feeling: Still fantastic! :) I've been at such balance lately - feeling complete with what's happening to my body and our family. THAT has to be the most amazing part of this pregnancy - getting the opportunity to prepare for something so important. I'll take feeling like this over anything, any day!

What I miss most: Truly, it's still the Sierra Turkey sandwich. It's not that my mouth is watering for it - but I can't really say there's anything I "miss" more. I will enjoy the moment when I get to chomp down on that little slice of heaven towards the end of April.

Best moment of the past week: Date night with Eric! Because of Eric's work and school schedule, we haven't quite found a weekend where it's been just the two of us. Friday night we took a trip to Babies R Us, browsed around at items we like for our registry (you know me - I like to compare, research and make the ultimate decision!) then went for dinner...just the two of us. We have only a few more months of just "you and me" and we're taking full advantage!

What I'm looking forward to this week: Purchasing Baby's crib! :) We've made the final decision and can't wait to have it in our home, in her room. At that point, it will definitely feel real. :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Cleaning up!

This weekend I took one of many suggestions and opted to tackle cleaning out Baby's closet. We never got around to decorating the room - why?, when we knew we'd eventually have to change it again! But - for the last year and a half we have stored all of our totes in the closet, including all of our holiday decoration totes.

While Mom touched up the paint in our bathroom and Eric hung (half of) the Christmas lights outside - I got off my lazy bottom and began pulling everything out. I ended up combining a few boxes - not to mention created a Goodwill pile. Moved a few boxes that have personal items from Baby's closet to our bedroom closet (which is the size of a mini-bedroom!). I pulled everything out - put only the things we have for Baby in the closet...and THIS was the result:

Looks good, doesn't it?! (If you're questioning - yes, those are Disney Princess, those were not bought for Baby, they were given to me from Santa.)

Now...where did the rest go - you ask?! Here...

This would be our closet in the office. The office closet wasn't as congested - but was full of "I'm not sure where to put this stuff, so put it here..." items from when we moved in. Those, too, were tossed - and room was made to store the nephew toys and our Christmas tree!

I think I did good, if I do say so myself!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sweet 16

Today marks Week 16 - and to celebrate Baby's new size and shape...Eric and I enjoyed our favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner. Say hello, to our little fruit...


(For those who are wondering - yes, I verified (via Google) whether the avocado is a fruit or vegetable. I also had back-up brain cells. Baby's super-smart Daddy clarified that one of the common separations between fruits and vegetables would be seeds...and, my friends, an avocado has a seed.)

According to our week's development, she's roughly 4.6 inches long - and doubling in size. We specifically discussed tonight - we have to watch what we say...she can hear our voices now! One of Baby's benefits - getting to hear her Mommy belt out Adele ballads while driving home from work...

Part of the Week-by-Week developments includes "pregnancy symptoms" - and this week, I think they give a great update of where we are:


So far, still only flutters - not feeling complete movements. Definitely feeling the back aches - which comes from the smashing at bedtime between both dogs, or feeling uncomfortable sitting down. Haven't quite fallen off the "Constitution notebook" - which I clarified with Dr. Bell at our last appointment...just means Baby and I are on the same "path"!

Forgetfulness seems to carry with me often - pre-baby and now - so, this wasn't a surprise. I don't really have a reason to complain. Speaking of not complaining, I also can't complain about the faster growing hair and nail growth. Of course, this just means I visit Nicole for root touch-ups and US Nails for more manicures. 

Not having any itchy or dry eyes - but, still get the blurry vision from time-to-time. Glowing's questionable. On one side - sure...on the other, I still look like a 15-year old going through puberty.

And, no - I won't be discussing my lady lumps with you this evening. Instead, I'll enjoy the countdown until we see her face again...3 weeks from tomorrow! :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

New York! New York!

Talk about an exhausting - but EXCITING!! - vacation...

Over the weekend, Baby and I traveled (along with Baby's Nana and Uncle Ryan) to visit Baby's Papaw in Baltimore. We spent the afternoon visiting his job site - which, Uncle Ryan and I enjoyed driving the golf cart through the aisles of shelving. (Let it be known, I've been to several of Dad's job-sites...and, still - I'm not quite sure what he does! Probably because he speaks a different language when "talking construction".)

Thursday night, Dad took us to G&M Crabcakes for dinner...ah-maz-ingly, tasty food! There's one thing to note - this baby has been treated with some extra yummy dishes lately. Thursday night we all tanked out pretty early - knowing we had a 6:58am train to catch Friday morning.

Speaking of that 6:58am train - it didn't quite live up to my vision of the Polar Express, but it was extremely comfortable. The four of us were split up at first - realizing everyone catches one of the first trains out of the city...but, about an hour into the 3-hour ride, we were all together. Ryan was briefing Dad on how to use Facebook and Mom and I were discussing plans for Baby's nursery.

While on the train - we started in Baltimore, stopped in Philadelphia and New Jersey - before our final stop in New York City! We arrived at Penn Station - walked out of the building and were right on 8th Avenue & 31st Street. My first thought was, "How unreal!" - the people, cars, buildings - walking to our hotel it definitely felt like we weren't in Kansas anymore, Toto...

We arrived at our hotel - left our bags and started walking towards our first stop - The Empire State Building.

Go figure - we, of all families, just happen to walk down THE road of Jack Demsey's restaurant. You know - THE place where you go to watch UK games on TV in New York perfect was this?! Hanging outside the restaurant was a giant UK flag - just calling our names.

We opted to walk into The Empire State Building before eating lunch - and took advantage of these views:

It truly had the best views of the entire city! I loved how we went to this stop first - being able to see everything we were GOING to see up close. After touring the building - and buying Eric a souvenir - we were off for lunch with the rest of the Irish-speaking Wildcat fans.

After lunch, Mom and I headed to Mood's Fabric Store - the store from Bravo's Project Runway. Mom had hoped that we'd find the perfect fabric for Baby's bedding - but, really, it was rather a disappointment. I wanted more of a "print" - and they had a lot of the same patterns, just in different colors. At least we could say we walked through NYC's Fashion District - which was neat. We then decided to tackle our favorite store...

8-floors of heaven! :) The best part - they're fully decorated inside for Christmas - and have already started the display outside for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. As we were heading up to the bedding department - I "might" have glanced at the Jessica Simpson collection AREA...made the teeny-bopper inside of me squeal.

The boys were already back at the hotel when we finished at Macy's (which, make it known we bought not one thing...), so we headed back that way for a late-afternoon nap before dinner and Times Square.

Times Square - Day (before dinner)

Times Square - Night (after dinner)

I think we can all agree - the best parts of Times Square HAD to be the Toys R Us and Disney Store! :)

Saturday morning we actually got to sleep-in...8am, ya'll! We ate breakfast at the hotel, then put on our walking shoes headed to Pier 84 to catch our NY Water Taxi for our trip down the Hudson River, our hop-off at the 9/11 Memorial, and hop-on to see Wall Street (from the water), the Brooklyn Bridge and Lady Liberty.

My amazing Google Maps app on my phone was a life-saver all weekend - except when it told us that the distance between our hotel and Pier 84 was only a short 1.2 miles - 22 minute walk. This was nothing in our minds - and Ryan and I were making fun of how early we left the hotel...we were on "Mom Time". As painful as it is for me to say this...she was right. Thank the Good Lord we left early, because that 1.2 mile walk turned into close to a 3-4 mile walk! We finally arrived at the Pier and we were able to catch the earlier water taxi headed towards the first stop.

Walking down West Street towards the Memorial area was surreal. To look up and see the amount of buildings that surrounded the Twin Towers, and imagining what they saw on 9/11 seemed unimaginable. The new One World Trade Center is beautiful - lifting itself into the sky, showing what will be its strength at 1,776 feet high.

To say the 9/11 Memorial was the best part of NYC seems a bit off - knowing how devastating of an area it was on that September day. But, it was so overwhelming with emotions - to think what was standing there is no longer. It is a beautiful memorial - hands down, the best I've ever seen. The design and area of remembrance is graceful - giving you goosebumps as you see and read the 3,000 names. I lost complete control of my emotions reading "and her unborn child" - thinking about myself, the child I'm carrying and the family I have - what if that were me?

North Tower Memorial

South Tower Memorial

9/11 Memorial Museum

One World Trade Center

We headed back to the Water Taxi - and continued our trip down the Hudson River. To think, we were floating right where Sully landed The Miracle on the Hudson was crazy - there's room, but not a lot - especially comparing the size of our boat to the size of an airplane. We cruised by Wall Street, stopped at the Brooklyn Bridge and finally stood and stared at The Statue of Liberty. I have to admit - I always envisioned Lady Liberty being much larger. Compared to the surrounding buildings and memorials - she's the size of a Barbie!

Wall Street

Brooklyn Bridge

Statue of Liberty

After our water taxi ride was over - we hopped off and contemplated taking a taxi back to the hotel. Whatever walking-beast that was inside of us said "Heck, no!" - because we opted to two-step it back instead. After we arrived back at the hotel, I was officially over feeling like a ping-pong ball, walking through the streets. We took a rest, caught the first quarter of the UK football game on TV (which turned into a win!), gathered our belongings, headed for New York style pizza and back to Penn Station. Our train back to Baltimore arrived at 7:01pm - which felt more like 11:01pm from how exhausted we were.

We flew back home to Indy on Sunday afternoon - and saying good-bye to Dad was extremely hard for me. I hope he wasn't joking when he said he just might be coming home early!

I'm so happy we got this opportunity to take this trip as a family! We definitely missed Eric, when we kept saying "Eric would have..." or "Eric wouldn't have..." - but as our last trip pre-Baby, it was great!

To think - Baby was in a car, on a plane, train and boat...touched Indiana, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York - all over just one weekend! She's quite the world traveler already!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


For those who might not have scored the passing grade on their Spanish test...<cough> Kelly <cough>...that translates to 15.

We're at Week 15 - and it keeps getting better and better! Not only does today mark the start of a new week, but it also marks the first day of November. NO-VEM-BER. It's unreal to think we'll be celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas with our family in no time.

Drum-roll please...our Fruit-of-the-Week is...


Of course, this week we learn that she's growing like crazy and booking it around in her temporary home (which we've known for a few weeks!).

Quick "Reflections" for Week 15:

I am feeling: Anxious and excited - to visit my Dad later this week, and truly realizing I've got a baby in my tummy.

Total Weight +/-: Since my first appointment at 6 weeks - I've gained 5lbs. I knew it was a gain, and honestly I thought it was more. (I feel like it's more!!) I'll take 5 in the pounds category, Alex!

Movement: Still not feeling any kicks - but I could have sworn she had the toots last week...something "funny" was happening!

What I miss most: I'm over my Panera Bread deli-sandwiches...and not really missing anything. Of course, if someone where to mention something I "might" miss - I would probably agree.

What I'm excited about: Extremely excited for our family trip to Baltimore and NYC! Dad has traveled for as long as I can remember, but never like this - never for this long - and I miss him like crazy. I'm also excited that ideas for the nursery are coming together...but, THAT's an entire post of its own. Silly Blog Readers, you didn't think I'd actually share it now, did you ?!

Cravings: It's not a food craving, but it's something I just can't seem to let go...sleeping on my back. I'm working extremely hard at this - but when I'm asleep and roll over on my back - there's not much I can do until my Ryan Reynolds dream is over. I did take up the recommendation from Dr. Bell and have placed a small pillow between my legs - it's definitely made sleeping on my left side much easier.

Now, you must excuse me...Glee's new episode starts shortly, and I have to convince Eric to change the channel.

Monday, October 31, 2011

What's your date of birth?

If I had a nickel for every time I was asked that...

Of course, it's only because there just so happens to be another patient of Dr. Bell's with my same name (including middle initial!).

Today was my monthly check-up, crazy to think how time is flying by! Baby's heartbeat was racing at 153 - and, we had no problem tracking her down this time. Goodbye, stubborn Baby...she must have learned her lesson last month!

Biggest moment from today's appointment - tomorrow we'll hit Week 15, and I can officially stop taking the Prometrium AND Metformin. It was determined with our first pregnancy that my body doesn't produce progesterone on its own - so, I've been taking Prometrium since roughly Day 19 of my period cycle (which seems like forever ago!) - before we even knew we were expecting. The Metformin, which helps balance my PCOS, I've been taking since August of last year - feels good knowing I won't have to swallow those horse-pills anymore.

At today's visit - I opted to have the quad-screening done, as well. This test accesses the possibilities of potential genetic disorders. Adding to the many, many blood tests I've taken - this was an easy one.

We've scheduled our 20-week ultrasound! November 30th we'll receive our 100% - even though, it was already marked "girl" on my chart! :) Dr. Bell liked what she saw from the 13-week ultrasound regarding Baby's "parts".

And, if you're wondering - the office went 1 for 4 nurses/doctors I saw decked out in orange and black. Extremely disappointed, Southside OBGYN.

This is officially our last Halloween before Baby arrives - but, for years now we've been celebrating with our "other" babies. Who doesn't love this?!:

Skeleton Hobbes

Snow Princess Macie


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

14 is my favorite number...

For an obvious reason, 14 has always been my "favorite number". When anyone asks that I choose a number between 1 and 20, I always choose 14. When playing softball, I always wore 14. When creating usernames for games or login information, I always add 14. Eric won't admit it - but 14 is his favorite as well...

So, when I woke up this morning - knowing today marks the start of Week 14 - I was extremely excited! I can't picture how excited I'll be 14 weeks from now, but in the meantime I'll enjoy what we have.

And, we have ourselves a fresh lemon! :)

The craziest thing we've read this week is that Baby is growing peach-fuzz-like hair all over her body. I thought we loved peaches last week?!

At the end of Week 14, we'll have our next check-up appointment. I love the anticipation of hearing Baby's heartbeat! (Have I told you how much I love that little pitter-patter?!) I'm still feeling fantastic - which is truly a blessing. I could complain about not sleeping well the past few nights - but, I know it's not Baby's's the fault of the bed-hogs (Daddy, Hobbes & Macie!)...

One of the biggest changes since last week would be referring to Baby as "she" or "her". :) I'm loving every minute of it - and I'm still loving the number 14!