Sunday, December 11, 2011


This morning we hopped in the car, headed to breakfast and went to Babies R Us to create our baby registry. I imagined it being a little less overwhelming, compared to our bridal registry - but, I couldn't have been further off. I think, because with a wedding, we knew we needed everything - plates, towels, a blender, a toothbrush holder - but, for a baby we weren't sure what we needed and what we didn't need.

Instead of starting at the front of Babies R Us, we started in the back and worked our way forward...a little trick we've learned from grocery shopping. We had a lot already nailed down from our browsing trip a few weeks ago. We kept the "big" items neutral - knowing they could be used for Baby #2...if and when that happens. That, of course, didn't stop us from fulfilling our wish list with loads of pink accessories. (Let it be known, we were looking for purple too - but we failed.)

We ventured through the highchairs, play yards, stroller and car seats before tackling the bath and safety section. We opted to detour past the bottles and pacifiers, as that seemed to be the most overwhelming section of all. At one point my phone rang, I went to answer it and next thing you know - Eric was missing. He ventured over to the FAO Swartz section...only to register for a few more items. We then headed towards the bedding, blankets and toys. We headed back to the breast pumps, bottles and pacifiers and made what we hope are the best choices.

We decided to take a note from NASCAR and went for a final lap around the store - scanning anything we might have missed. All together it took us a total of two hours start to finish, and I think it's safe to say - we won't be needing a second trip.

Today definitely made it feel more "real" as we've headed out of the tunnel from half-time and into the second half. If we haven't said it before, let me say it now...we're VERY ready for her to be here with us!


Ali said...

My goodness... couldn't agree with you more about the bottles section being THE most overwhelming section! When we started our BRU registry we ended up skipping that section & coming back last, too. We've decided on Avent for bottles, pacifiers, and b. pump! So fun and exciting to do that stuff. :)

Anonymous said...

it is so good to hear you learned something from NASCAR!!! your aunt marmar should be proud of you!!!!