Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sweet 16

Today marks Week 16 - and to celebrate Baby's new size and shape...Eric and I enjoyed our favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner. Say hello, to our little fruit...


(For those who are wondering - yes, I verified (via Google) whether the avocado is a fruit or vegetable. I also had back-up brain cells. Baby's super-smart Daddy clarified that one of the common separations between fruits and vegetables would be seeds...and, my friends, an avocado has a seed.)

According to our week's development, she's roughly 4.6 inches long - and doubling in size. We specifically discussed tonight - we have to watch what we say...she can hear our voices now! One of Baby's benefits - getting to hear her Mommy belt out Adele ballads while driving home from work...

Part of the Week-by-Week developments includes "pregnancy symptoms" - and this week, I think they give a great update of where we are:


So far, still only flutters - not feeling complete movements. Definitely feeling the back aches - which comes from the smashing at bedtime between both dogs, or feeling uncomfortable sitting down. Haven't quite fallen off the "Constitution notebook" - which I clarified with Dr. Bell at our last appointment...just means Baby and I are on the same "path"!

Forgetfulness seems to carry with me often - pre-baby and now - so, this wasn't a surprise. I don't really have a reason to complain. Speaking of not complaining, I also can't complain about the faster growing hair and nail growth. Of course, this just means I visit Nicole for root touch-ups and US Nails for more manicures. 

Not having any itchy or dry eyes - but, still get the blurry vision from time-to-time. Glowing skin...eh...that's questionable. On one side - sure...on the other, I still look like a 15-year old going through puberty.

And, no - I won't be discussing my lady lumps with you this evening. Instead, I'll enjoy the countdown until we see her face again...3 weeks from tomorrow! :)

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