Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Broken Record

Call me a broken record, but really - could I be more spoiled?! The last 31 weeks have practically flown by - but I have to admit...the last few days have been dragging. Please tell me the next 9 weeks will bring the feelings like this past week, just not the speed...

Week 31 Reflections:

PINEAPPLE - by far, my favorite fruit!

Movement: I swear it's constant. I try my best to note a pattern - from what "they" say, you can determine this - but, of course it's very rare that I'm not feeling something. I feel like she's mostly hanging out on my right side, but I could be completely wrong.

Cravings/Aversions: Peanut Butter M&M's. Granted, I had high school flash-back cravings for these pre-pregnancy, but for some reason they've been a snack of choice. Maybe it's because they're an equal balance of peanut butter and chocolate - or that you can't eat too many without feeling super-gross? Who knows, really.

I am feeling starting to feel: uncomfortable at night. I've been getting extremely hot at night, so swapping out my winter blanket for my summer blanket has been a must. I look over at night and I'm half-hanging out of the blanket and Eric is in socks, a sweatshirt and tucked-in as tight as possible. Oh, the contrast...

What I miss most: I really don't have a differing answer for this one...there really isn't that "thing" I just miss most.

Best moment of the past week: Gwen's rug arrived! I debated purchasing the rug for a few days, finally decided to order it and am glad I did. I think it fits, and just adds a little touch.

What I'm looking forward to this week: My (second) baby shower!! :)

...now, excuse me as I coach UK to another win...

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