Today is a very important day in our household. In one way, it has everything to do with the journey we're on to becoming parents for the first time. But, in another - maybe even slightly selfish - it has everything to do with only one person. Today is about Eric.
After 4 long years, countless hours spent in the classroom and thousands of minutes spent studying for exams, writing papers and presenting projects - today, Eric officially graduates from Franklin College. When we first met - almost 8 years ago - we sat up late one night talking about plans for the future. That night he mentioned to me that he had a 10-year plan for himself. In 10 years, he was going to have a degree in his name. It seemed like a forsaken dream at the time - like 10 years would never come.
Less than half way through the 10 years, and three full-time job changes, Eric made the decision that if he were ever going to accomplish his goal - he would have to start small and start soon. He immediately excelled - putting so much focus and determination to starting out strong. I'll never forget the conversation Dad had with Eric shortly after classes started. He told Eric that anyone can take your car, your house, your money away from you - but, at the end of the day - no one can take away the accomplishment of graduating from college.
Like so many times in our relationship, through challenges have come opportunities. Fall of 2008, Eric lost his job due to the economy. In that moment of hardship - he knew what opportunity he had. And, for our future moving forward - we knew what opportunity we had to take. Eric applied to Franklin College's full-time enrollment for classes starting in the Fall of 2009...and was immediately admitted. Since then, he's dedicated so much time to performing well. And, in less than 10 years - he's tackled his goal.
While it hasn't always been easy - he's excelled on so many levels. Scholarships, Dean's Lists, never dipping below a 3.0 GPA. And, he's done it without asking for attention. Even tonight, he's said over and over that "it's not that big of a deal". Yes it is. What he has shown is determination to accomplish goals you set for yourself. This is truly a trait I pray he explains to our daughter one day. Accomplishing this dream wasn't just for himself - it was for us, our future and our family.
Eric, I could not be more proud of you! You are a true role model for our baby and for the future we have together. Congratulations on a job well done. I love you!
I Love You!!
I am so proud of Eric! And he is a lucky man to have you beside him Emily. This baby girl is going to have two awesome, hard-working parents, so there is no doubt she will not be the same way! Love ya, Em!
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