WE'RE HALF WAY THERE! Whoa, livin' on a prayer!
I'm absolutely in love with this feeling! We've hit a huge milestone - not to mention one more week closer to meeting our Princess. :)
They weren't kidding when you say you're energy builds back up during the second trimester, I've felt great! Granted, I can still nap like a champ, and have never had a problem falling asleep...why start now? Still haven't started swelling and (thankfully!) haven't hit the heartburn stage of pregnancy symptoms - but the leg cramps at night haven't gone away. They are much better now - but, I may just be getting used to them.
Quick reflections for the week...
Movement: Definitely feeling her move more! Still very light, but I know it's her...she enjoys letting me know she's there while at work. I think she loves the talk of HR, too.
Cravings/Aversions: I'm loving everything sweet! Not quite chocolate-sweet, more like sugar-sweet. I must say that I've held myself back from the multiple trips to the office down the hall from me at work - who just happens to have Starbursts practically calling my name! What I haven't held back from...sweet rolls with orange glaze! :) Still no aversions, outside of what I couldn't stand pre-pregnant.
I am feeling: Amazing! It helps when outside features are starting to balance themselves out - keeps the spirits up! My hair has finally become style-able - which was not the case last month. I kept waiting and waiting for the "amazing" pregnancy hair, and after my touch-up appointment on Saturday - I'll be back! Also, my teenage acne has cleared itself up...for now. And, finally, my belly is starting to round out - looking more like a baby's inside there and not just that I ate too many sweet rolls! And, it must be really noticeable to everyone else - as just this last week I had several people notice and say such nice things! :) Of course, it's starting to "round" just as we learn Baby is the shape of a...
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Still feeling very calm about the news given last week. And, (still) no signs of bleeding at all - which is the best part.
Best Moment of the Past Week: THE CRIB HAS ARRIVED!! Who'da thunk it?! What was supposed to be an 8-10 week wait, turned into only 2 short weeks. I got the call yesterday from BuyBuyBaby - and immediately asked Amanda if she would be so kind as to lend us her truck for the evening. Granted, we picked the night that wasn't dry by any means - as it was raining in Indiana for almost three straight days. Mom came with us, and brought the tarps to cover the box. Let it be known, that SHE was the one who pushed for us to pick it up yesterday. I wasn't, by any means, objecting - but as we were driving back home (at a rather quick speed to try our best to not soak the box), she tried to act as if she had nothing to do with picking it up yesterday. Liar, liar...
Either way, it's safely at home - and in our garage. After we paint the room, we'll set her up. And, paint will be coming soon! :)
What I'm Looking Forward to This Week: Registering this weekend! Now that we've hit the mid-way point, we've decided to start our registry. A few weeks ago, we walked the aisles at Babies R Us, getting an idea of what we would like - to make the actual day of registering less stressful. For anyone who knows Eric and I - grocery shopping with a list is difficult enough.
"Whoa, we're half way there! Whoa, livin' on a prayer!
Take my hand and we'll make it, I swear.
Whoa, livin' on a prayer!"
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