Uh, negative on all four...no, we aren't "looking" for Baby's name - because it's already been chosen! We aren't the couple to hide anything related to this child - but, I'm waiting until after we tell Motsy her name at Christmas. Expect a full post in just a few short weeks! I've also not had a drop from my boobs, Braxton Hicks or heartburn. Her kicks have picked up - I can't wait for Eric to feel them...even though that comes with the thought of her kicks getting stronger and maybe hurting...not that I'm complaining...
We learned today that Baby is roughly 10 1/2 inches long - and the size of a:
Typically each morning, I get my email from TheBump and copy/paste it into an email for Eric to read. I failed today - and forgot to send him his email...consider it the pregnancy brain!...so, tonight we opened it and read it together. When I announced that Baby is the size of a banana, Eric had to ask: "What kind of banana? A Chiquita Banana?!" Yes - let's hope!
I'm continuing to enjoy every ounce of this pregnancy. My belly has definitely popped over the last few days - there's no denying there's a baby inside! For now, my leg cramps have subsided - knocking on wood! - but the occasional headache has begun to pester me. My nights after work are pretty lazy - and one of my favorite things is laying on the couch and cuddling with our fur-child, Macie. Each night she curls up in my lap and after a while, will rest her head on my belly. It's like her own, personal pillow!
One of the symptoms to look for this week is dry, itchy skin on or around my stomach. Have you ever noticed how immediately when you talk about a part of your body itching, it does?! I swear, two seconds ago it wasn't!!
This week we're looking forward to painting her room! Of course, it will most likely be Saturday - and the majority of the painting will probably come from Nana. (Don't listen to her when she says she's forced...she loves it - and, well, from experience - I'm a pretty sloppy painter.) After the paint is up - we'll start on the crib...who says now is too early?!
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