Before first names were even discussed - we had our middle name chosen: Louise. Louise is my Mamaw's middle name. My grandparents - Mamaw and Papaw - have played such a large part in my life, and I wanted a way to honor them. As you can probably tell, my Mom means the world to me - and having the opportunity to recognize her parents means alot.
When first discussing names - almost years ago, we had chosen the name Ava. Ava Louise sounded great at the time. I still love this name - and still call dibs for Baby #2...but, as the months went on it started falling through. Maybe it's the over-popularity of the name these days - or that something else just fit better. The less and less I referred to her as Ava, the more I knew it just wasn't the name for her. Of course, having sold myself on Ava so many years ago - I wasn't ready to begin thinking of new names.
Leave it to my amazing husband, who refused to discuss boy names, to think of the winning choice. Maybe it was the countless hours of being forced to watch Glee - or listen to the soundtracks over and over - but, when he mentioned "the" name...I was sold. No (and I she was not named after one of the actresses...just happens to share the first name. Eric shares the name of a famous baseball player - but he's not named after him!
We might also have kicked ourselves in the butt with the name we've chosen. When first talking about names, we kept saying to each other "No nicknames!" - meaning, we wanted a name that really couldn't be shortened. No "Jennifer" (because of Jen), no "Rebecca" (because of Becca), no "Kimberly" (because of Kim), etc. But, after a little compromise (which I'll explain shortly...) we decided we'll insert our feet into our mouths and bite this one!
Ladies and gentlemen...I'd like to make an announcement. The name we've chosen is:
From Day 1 she'll be referred to as Gwen - hint, the nickname conversation above - and will be referred to as Gweneth when she's in trouble...but, that will never happen! I absolutely love the name "Gwen". I love how it's girly, short, unique and perfect for a baby, toddler, teenager and adult. And, I think it fits perfeclty with our personalities and her middle name.
I was sold on just naming her Gwen from the beginning - not even giving the opportunity to have it shortened, but Eric was rather pushy with spelling it out. He wanted it spelled with a "y" instead of an "e". Not that I don't agree with the parents who have used "y's" in the middle of names - please don't take this as I am! - but, I've never been a fan. Therefore, we compromised - change it to "e" and we can lengthen her name. It truly was that easy of a decision!
From the moment we picked Gwen, we stopped referring to her as "Baby". To me, she already carries the personaility that fits the name - and I've yet to lay my eyes on her (completely)! I love the feeling I get when calling her name - specifically in conversation with Eric. What seemed like it would be a difficult decison to make - truly was not. And, we could not be more thrilled with her chosen name!