Sunday, November 13, 2011

Cleaning up!

This weekend I took one of many suggestions and opted to tackle cleaning out Baby's closet. We never got around to decorating the room - why?, when we knew we'd eventually have to change it again! But - for the last year and a half we have stored all of our totes in the closet, including all of our holiday decoration totes.

While Mom touched up the paint in our bathroom and Eric hung (half of) the Christmas lights outside - I got off my lazy bottom and began pulling everything out. I ended up combining a few boxes - not to mention created a Goodwill pile. Moved a few boxes that have personal items from Baby's closet to our bedroom closet (which is the size of a mini-bedroom!). I pulled everything out - put only the things we have for Baby in the closet...and THIS was the result:

Looks good, doesn't it?! (If you're questioning - yes, those are Disney Princess, those were not bought for Baby, they were given to me from Santa.)

Now...where did the rest go - you ask?! Here...

This would be our closet in the office. The office closet wasn't as congested - but was full of "I'm not sure where to put this stuff, so put it here..." items from when we moved in. Those, too, were tossed - and room was made to store the nephew toys and our Christmas tree!

I think I did good, if I do say so myself!


Anonymous said...

your mother not only "touched up" the bathroom, she REPAINTED the entire room!!!!

Emily said...

Dear "Anonymous" - please let my Mother know that I appreciated her help with the bathroom. BUT, remind her that SHE volunteered.