First, an update from yesterday - we've hit Week 19! And, this week - we're back to our favorite food group...
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Looking back at my Week 18 update, very little has changed. I'm feeling her move around even more now - and I love every minute of it. Still, they aren't too strong - but, I'm pretty sure she's kicking with an attitude.
What could possibly make this week even better? Our 19/20-Week ultrasound was this morning! :) Eric asked me this morning if I was more nervous today than I was at our 13-Week ultrasound - and I really wasn't. (He kept mentioning that he was.) After our last ultrasound I have done nothing but refer to Baby as "she" or "her"...therefore, I was trying to prepare myself for the "It's a boy" conversation. I kept thinking about who would tell Baby's Nana that all the pink things would need to be exchanged for wasn't going to be me.
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19 weeks, 1 day |
Together with the theme of this pregnancy...Baby didn't fail! :) And, she is definitely a SHE!
Her heart was racing at 145 bpm and she seems pretty squished. She's hanging out mostly on my left side (which I now know is the reason I just can't get comfortable sleeping on that side).
She was quite the lady at first - not really opening her legs for the tech to take a good peak. After some pushing around, while measuring and checking out other parts, she finally "opened" up. It was crazy to see how much she has changed - still my favorite part is watching her little heart just beat away. She looks healthy and happy in her current home - and is measuring right on schedule...19 weeks, 3 days. As of today, she weighs a whopping 12 oz.!
We received her quad screen results back - and everything looks great, which made me extremely happy. Of course, with great news does come a bit of unsettling news - but thankfully NOT towards Baby. I have to keep repeating to myself that the baby is doing fantastic and measuring right where she should.
Today we learned that I have a low-lying placenta, which is causing two things. First, it's causing the baby's umbilical cord to currently cover my cervix. Of course, this is a problem when it comes to delivering Baby. They've also found that I have a marginal placenta previa and found a slight bleed on the ultrasound. This took me by complete surprise as I have not had any spotting or bleeding whatsoever. The promising news is that the previa can fix itself - shifting the opposite direction. Here's to hoping that comes true!
I called my Mom immediately after leaving the appointment and walked her through everything the doctor mentioned. With the history of the women on both sides of my family - she wasn't surprised one bit. So much of what I've gone through regarding my entire "girl system" seems to match Mom or one of her sisters. At least I know I've got some great women for advice and support!
I'm officially on pelvic rest until our next appointment - in 4 weeks. At that appointment we'll get the opportunity to see Baby again...and most likely, another after that. I have no problem getting more opportunities to see her before her grand entrance!
As I mentioned earlier, I'm very balanced knowing that Baby is doing great. I'll gladly take a worry for myself over worrying about her. I still love Tuesdays - but I'm in love with this Wednesday for sure!
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