Tuesday, October 18, 2011

2nd Trimester

Today marks the start of 13 weeks! To say we were excited to get to this point, wouldn't mount to how excited we are about tomorrow. Tomorrow we'll get to see Baby with our ultrasound appointment - which will look more like a human than a peanut.

We're officially out of the first trimester and the entire time I felt great! I'm stealing the next set of "Reflections" from Ali's blog...

I am feeling: Fantastic! I've read over-and-over how the the first trimester is the roughest - and if this is as bad as it gets - I'm fully in love with being pregnant.

Total Weight +/-: Honestly, I don't know. As of the last time I checked, I had gained 0lbs - but I'm positive that's changed. Sadly, I refuse to get up and go weigh - not after the grilled cheese and tomato soup I just inhaled.

Movement: Nothing when it comes to Baby's kicks - of course, it's far too soon. Right now, I'm still feeling the stretching of ligaments.

What I miss most: Hands down, Sierra Turkey sandwich from Panera Bread. Probably all deli-meat sandwiches - but I really, really miss the Sierra Turkey. Eric even said over the weekend, he knows what to have in the room after delivery, waiting for me, come April.

What I'm excited about: OVER-THE-MOON excited for tomorrow! It might even be safe to say...I'm more excited about tomorrow than I was for my birthday last Friday...whaaa, did I just say that?! Yes, yes - I did.

Cravings: Fruit - lots of fruit, and in different ways. Grapes, apples, pineapple...in the food form, candy form, in drinks and ice-cream.

Speaking of fruit...

PEACHES! According to TheBump - Baby is the size of a peach this week. I'm getting used to these fruit sizes...

Tomorrow is sure to be a big day - can't wait to share Baby's development!

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