Thursday, October 6, 2011

160 & a Lime

Today was an extremely exciting day! So much news to share...

Let's start out by saying - we have a due DATE! :) We originally had a due "range", because it was very unclear when I ovulated and when we conceived. Today, my doctor was certain - we've got a date to shoot for. Drum roll, please...

APRIL 24, 2012! 

With that means, we're also able to count "weeks and days" accurately. She felt around and measured my uterus, and is certain I'm in between 11 and 12 weeks. And, according to the 4/24 date - we're 11 weeks and 2 days. Definitely a bit off from what we originally thought - and extremely far off from the first day of my last period!

Dr. Bell answered as many questions as I could remember to ask. My favorite being: "How many times have you heard, 'I read online...' from your patients?" Her response was, "Every day. Almost every patient." I then followed up with, "Great, because I was reading online..." She laughed! :)

I was explaining to her the funny feeling I've been having on the side of my stomach when I sit straight up. I told her, by no means do I have perfect posture, but that it feels much better to slouch or lean, than sit straight up. She simply explained that it's completely normal - and only means my ligaments are stretching...which is, of course, what I read online.

Outside of learning our due date - my FAVORITE part of today's appointment was hearing Baby's heartbeat! My entire body lights up when I hear that little sound! Of course, she was fishing around with the Doppler trying to find where Baby was hanging out. She moved around on my left side, then moved to the right. She immediately says, "Ah, I hear it!" And, then kept in close - trying to get a better sound. Next thing you know, it's gone. My heart immediately starting racing - when she moved back to the left side. Awe-be-darn, if Baby wasn't right there! Racing away at 160 beats per minute!

Dr. Bell cracked a joke, saying we've got ourselves a stubborn, active baby. I kindly informed her that the stubborn part is from Dad, the active part is from Mom. :)

I did question the "myth" about a boy heartbeat versus a girl heartbeat. She explained that they are what they are - myths...BUT, that if the myth is leaning towards what we're hoping for, let our hearts run with it! She said she's read all of them - even when she was pregnant! - and has seen them work and not work (but I think she HAS to say that!).

Because we're just past 11 weeks, she moved my next ultrasound from next Friday to the following Wednesday (the 19th). I was really looking forward to having the ultrasound next would have made for a fantastic birthday present! Either way, I can't wait to see how much Baby has grown! The next 13 days are demanded to fly by.

After the 19th - we have our next month's appointment, scheduled right now for Halloween! I'm taking bets on how many doctors and nurses in the office are wearing orange and black...

In the meantime we'll enjoy being a LIME this week!

1 comment:

Ali said...

We're just about two months apart! My due date was originally February 24 & now it's February 26! It's so great to at least have a date set so you have something in mind... what a good feeling.

And I'm not sure that I believe any of the gender/heart bpm stuff, but our case fit the profile for a girl all along and it ends up to be what we're having... so who knows? :)