Hello, Full-Term!! :)
Yesterday's weekly appointment was quick and easy - as Gwen has still not progressed. I walked into the doctor's office and was immediately taken back to the room (no check-in, no-nothin'!) - totally felt like a celebrity. I know some women, when making it to Week 37, would probably consider no progress a downer...but, not this Momma! Granted, I'm very ready to meet my baby girl - and be "normal" again - but, I'd also really like the extra week to wrap everything up. I keep telling people, it's the control-freak in me, that just doesn't like not being fully prepared.
Dr. Bell is on vacation this week, so yesterday I was checked out by the Nurse Practitioner...who was wonderful! Gwen's heartbeat was racing at 155 bpm. The nurse went as far to say, she doesn't think Gwen is coming on her own anytime soon.
Last week I did have the beta-strep test completed, and like most women - my test came back positive. I'm very at ease with this test, because of the easy solution, should I go into labor on my own. The nurse stressed the commonness of this test over and over - and that the hospital will be informed immediately at "go time".
Gwen continues to bounce around in my belly throughout the day. I can say her kicks are finally starting to get a tad-bit violent. She's now hanging out around the middle of my belly, with the little feet and hands being felt on my left side. I keep thinking about how it will be to not feel her move anymore...but, of course - that comes it the thought of actually having her here!
The most common question Eric and I are being asked now is: "Are you nervous??" Nervous, no - not at all. We will be on the day of her arrival - especially if it's as scheduled as it all appears it to be and we will wake up knowing our lives are about to change forever. But, right now - we're just soaking in the last few days that we have as just the two of us.
Exactly TWO WEEKS from today - we will be holding our baby. I pray that the days absolutely fly by!
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