On the grand scale of complaining, I feel I've done everything but "complain" throughout my pregnancy. In fact, I feel I've done the complete opposite - I've loved almost every minute. As I sit here, today marking the start of Week 28 (wowza!!), I'd like to take this minute...and...well, complain.
First of all...what is rutabaga?! I'm pretty sure I thought it was a warm, Caribbean city. Who knew it was something you eat?!
I'm starting to learn there can be unflattering parts of a woman's pregnant body. First up - and, I warn those of the male gender who are reading this...back away - leaky boobs. I apparently have no problem "letting down" when I'm relaxed, as without even realizing it I just happen to have the perfect display of the Great Lakes across my shirt. At first, it was an only-at-night thing, now it really comes anytime I'm not focusing on something intently...and I'm not a fan.
Have I mentioned how lucky I feel to have experienced my first pregnancy during the fall and winter months? You know, when long pants and socks can be worn? To describe the looks of my ankles and feet at the end of the day, I would ask that you picture a gargoyle...times three. They're gross - and with all he has to offer, coming from his huge heart, Eric lies every time I complain about them. "What? I don't see what you're talking about?" Big. Fat. Lie. That, or he thinks my ankles and feet looks this terrible all the time!
I've mentioned this once before as part of my "What do I miss most" section - but now, it's really become an added chore to my daily morning routine...bending over to put my socks on. And, what scares me even more...I still have an entire trimester to go! :(
Even at my best weight, I wouldn't say I was quite in the Gisele Bundchen fitness category...but, to feel a loss of breath from walking up a few flights of stairs is a bit much. I certainly hope Gwen is enjoying my two lungs as the perfect pillows.
And, finally - what is sleep? I have absolutely no problem falling asleep, it's a matter of staying asleep - or hitting that "rem" stage. I can wake up an hour later - have a full-length conversation, vacuum, put in a load of laundry, get back in bed and fall back asleep. A few hours later, I can wake up, let Macie out for her past-midnight potty break and roll back into bed. In between each of these "naps", I have no problem waking myself up to flip - really, there is no roll anymore - myself to my other side and fall right back to sleep. Is this what they mean when they say it's my body's way of preparing myself for a baby? I'm sure I could come up with a few other options...
With that being said, and despite all of my complaints - I wouldn't change it for the world. Gwen is a constant movement machine, and I love it. One day I'm sure I'll force her to listen to the "what I went through for you" conversation (right, like your Mom NEVER mentions this to you...) - but, until then I'll use you as my spot to vent. Now, excuse me as I prepare to create a map of the Great Lakes, with gargoyle like features, as I lose my breath bending and flipping over to no sleep. :)
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