On the grand scale of complaining, I feel I've done everything but "complain" throughout my pregnancy. In fact, I feel I've done the complete opposite - I've loved almost every minute. As I sit here, today marking the start of Week 28 (wowza!!), I'd like to take this minute...and...well, complain.
First of all...what is rutabaga?! I'm pretty sure I thought it was a warm, Caribbean city. Who knew it was something you eat?!
I'm starting to learn there can be unflattering parts of a woman's pregnant body. First up - and, I warn those of the male gender who are reading this...back away - leaky boobs. I apparently have no problem "letting down" when I'm relaxed, as without even realizing it I just happen to have the perfect display of the Great Lakes across my shirt. At first, it was an only-at-night thing, now it really comes anytime I'm not focusing on something intently...and I'm not a fan.
Have I mentioned how lucky I feel to have experienced my first pregnancy during the fall and winter months? You know, when long pants and socks can be worn? To describe the looks of my ankles and feet at the end of the day, I would ask that you picture a gargoyle...times three. They're gross - and with all he has to offer, coming from his huge heart, Eric lies every time I complain about them. "What? I don't see what you're talking about?" Big. Fat. Lie. That, or he thinks my ankles and feet looks this terrible all the time!
I've mentioned this once before as part of my "What do I miss most" section - but now, it's really become an added chore to my daily morning routine...bending over to put my socks on. And, what scares me even more...I still have an entire trimester to go! :(
Even at my best weight, I wouldn't say I was quite in the Gisele Bundchen fitness category...but, to feel a loss of breath from walking up a few flights of stairs is a bit much. I certainly hope Gwen is enjoying my two lungs as the perfect pillows.
And, finally - what is sleep? I have absolutely no problem falling asleep, it's a matter of staying asleep - or hitting that "rem" stage. I can wake up an hour later - have a full-length conversation, vacuum, put in a load of laundry, get back in bed and fall back asleep. A few hours later, I can wake up, let Macie out for her past-midnight potty break and roll back into bed. In between each of these "naps", I have no problem waking myself up to flip - really, there is no roll anymore - myself to my other side and fall right back to sleep. Is this what they mean when they say it's my body's way of preparing myself for a baby? I'm sure I could come up with a few other options...
With that being said, and despite all of my complaints - I wouldn't change it for the world. Gwen is a constant movement machine, and I love it. One day I'm sure I'll force her to listen to the "what I went through for you" conversation (right, like your Mom NEVER mentions this to you...) - but, until then I'll use you as my spot to vent. Now, excuse me as I prepare to create a map of the Great Lakes, with gargoyle like features, as I lose my breath bending and flipping over to no sleep. :)
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Glucose, Schmucose!!
You're currently reading a post from a Mommy-To-Be who had the odds stacks completely against her...and KNOCKED them completely out of her way!! :)
Today I received the results back from my glucose test yesterday, and I'm beyond happy to note I do not have gestational diabetes!! Looks like I should have taken a wager against Dr. Bell...
The results of the test did show that I have low iron levels - and I've been placed on an iron supplement to take once-a-day until Gwen arrives.
Truly, I could not be more happy with the news given today - I'm so proud of myself and my baby! Another blessing, another reason to be thankful for a spoiled pregnancy!
Today I received the results back from my glucose test yesterday, and I'm beyond happy to note I do not have gestational diabetes!! Looks like I should have taken a wager against Dr. Bell...
The results of the test did show that I have low iron levels - and I've been placed on an iron supplement to take once-a-day until Gwen arrives.
Truly, I could not be more happy with the news given today - I'm so proud of myself and my baby! Another blessing, another reason to be thankful for a spoiled pregnancy!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
27 & Full of Sugar
Today marks Week 27 - and was also my next month's check-up appointment. Of course, with this month's appointment, it also meant the long and dreadful glucose test. I arrived at the doctor's office first thing this morning, was offered the "Gatorade"-like drink and blood was drawn. This was a lovely, two hour test - which meant I was able to get awfully friendly with those coming and going at the office. I did meet a couple today who had just walked out of their 20-week ultrasound, where they learned they're having a boy...I loved the look on their faces!
Dr. Bell walked me through a few things to look for moving forward - as we're saying "Hello!" to the third trimester! I got an opportunity to hear Gwen's heartbeat, not once but twice - each time racing at 145 bpm. As I was laying on the table, Dr. Bell got to witness her movements - as my belly was bouncing up and down. She "measured" my tummy and her exact words were "Ah, perfect!" She gave me a list of "what to look for" and recommended classes to take at the hospital, specifically the breastfeeding class. She also noted from this point forward, I will be going for check-ups every TWO WEEKS. Talk about a "for real" moment. :)
After my appointment with Dr. Bell, I was back out in the lobby to entertain myself for another hour. Truly, it wasn't that bad - just kind of wish I had a pillow and blanket. At the end of two hours, my blood was drawn again, and I now wait for the results to come by the end of the week. I've stressed mostly over this test above the rest - as Dr. Bell hasn't shied away from explaining the high chances I will gestational diabetes, due to my family history and case of PCOS. In fact, she's almost certain I will. This can be monitored with a strict diet and medication - which I'm comfortable with. I'm more uncomfortable with the chances of future diagnosis.
As for Gwen's developments this week - goodbye fruit, hello...
We're in the home stretch for sure! Over the next week, we're wrapping up the final touch-ups of the nursery and preparing for my baby shower in Louisville - so much is happening!
Dr. Bell walked me through a few things to look for moving forward - as we're saying "Hello!" to the third trimester! I got an opportunity to hear Gwen's heartbeat, not once but twice - each time racing at 145 bpm. As I was laying on the table, Dr. Bell got to witness her movements - as my belly was bouncing up and down. She "measured" my tummy and her exact words were "Ah, perfect!" She gave me a list of "what to look for" and recommended classes to take at the hospital, specifically the breastfeeding class. She also noted from this point forward, I will be going for check-ups every TWO WEEKS. Talk about a "for real" moment. :)
After my appointment with Dr. Bell, I was back out in the lobby to entertain myself for another hour. Truly, it wasn't that bad - just kind of wish I had a pillow and blanket. At the end of two hours, my blood was drawn again, and I now wait for the results to come by the end of the week. I've stressed mostly over this test above the rest - as Dr. Bell hasn't shied away from explaining the high chances I will gestational diabetes, due to my family history and case of PCOS. In fact, she's almost certain I will. This can be monitored with a strict diet and medication - which I'm comfortable with. I'm more uncomfortable with the chances of future diagnosis.
As for Gwen's developments this week - goodbye fruit, hello...
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We're in the home stretch for sure! Over the next week, we're wrapping up the final touch-ups of the nursery and preparing for my baby shower in Louisville - so much is happening!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
I think I'm allowed to have an overly emotional post every now and then, and this one really won't shy away from that.
I sat in Gwen's room tonight thinking about how excited we are to have her here - and the fact that she will be here so soon. She was moving around, making herself known, almost all day. So, to sit back for a little bit and talk to her made it seem that much more real. We really are going to be parents to a baby girl.
What made tonight so much different than the rest, was that Eric felt her kick for the first time. To see his face light up was beyond emotional. We watched together as my belly popped up and down and I immediately thought about the amount of unconditional love I already have for her. I haven't laid my eyes on her yet, but I still know she's beautiful. I haven't held her yet, but I still know she's warm and has that baby scent everyone loves. I'm in love with her already.
As we count down the days until she's here, I'm making a promise to sit back and talk her alone. I want her to know how much I love her. I want to tell her stories about lessons learned. I want to tell her every fairy-tale moment I've had with her Daddy, and how much he loves her too.
Her name describes exactly how I feel: blessed. Today, I can say I'm not only excited for her to be here...but, I'm ready.
I sat in Gwen's room tonight thinking about how excited we are to have her here - and the fact that she will be here so soon. She was moving around, making herself known, almost all day. So, to sit back for a little bit and talk to her made it seem that much more real. We really are going to be parents to a baby girl.
What made tonight so much different than the rest, was that Eric felt her kick for the first time. To see his face light up was beyond emotional. We watched together as my belly popped up and down and I immediately thought about the amount of unconditional love I already have for her. I haven't laid my eyes on her yet, but I still know she's beautiful. I haven't held her yet, but I still know she's warm and has that baby scent everyone loves. I'm in love with her already.
As we count down the days until she's here, I'm making a promise to sit back and talk her alone. I want her to know how much I love her. I want to tell her stories about lessons learned. I want to tell her every fairy-tale moment I've had with her Daddy, and how much he loves her too.
Her name describes exactly how I feel: blessed. Today, I can say I'm not only excited for her to be here...but, I'm ready.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
98 days to go!
I'm well aware I haven't been keeping up with my twice-weekly blog posts, and I couldn't think of an excuse to cover me this week...so, in turn - here's a load of updates!
Quick Reflections from Week 26:
Movement: She's got moves like Jagger! She's booking it left and right these days. It's starting to be a little distracting as she's making her presence known during meetings at work, conversations and TV at home.
Cravings/Adversions: Not much happening here. I really wanting some ice cream the other night, and my sweet-tooth husband didn't object.
I am feeling: Much better! For almost three straight days I had a not-so-nice sinus headache that I just couldn't shake. Not even a nap covered it. Darn, Indiana weather. It's finally gone...and I hope it stays away for a long time.
What I miss most: Being able to "fold". No, not clothes - that I still don't do...I'm talking about being able to bend over to pick up a paper clip I've dropped from my desk. Seems simple enough - but when your stomach doesn't fold like it used to - it makes for a funny-looking picture.
Best moment of the past week: Watching IU and Uof L lose...OK - best moment regarding Gwen, all the happenings in her room! :)
What I'm looking forward to this week: Wrapping up the final details of her room - we're down to the last-minute items. After this weekend, all that's left is to add a baby!
To follow-up on the fun things happening to the nursery, all of her furniture finally is in its home! (Not in the places they will stay in the room, but they're in there no less.) This past weekend, Mom and Dad brought of the dresser that's been repainted to match the crib. I love how it's turned out! There's a few touch-up spots that need to be hit, and I still need to purchase new drawer pulls - but it looks fantastic against the pink paint!
Because my pregnancy-brain is in full force tonight, I've forgotten if I've shared where this dresser came from. This is from a set of furniture that belonged to Gwen's Nana's Nana. The original color was a stained, brown wood - but with a little Therese Touch, it now matches. It's very special to have a piece of furniture with a little bit of family history in the nursery.
And, an even bigger delivery arrived on Saturday - which Eric picked it up today...the ah-maz-ing rocking recliner! I may never leave this chair...and, I'm not kidding. The color matches perfectly with the rest of the room. (We can't take credit for the rocking recliner idea - it came highly recommended by Angie.)
The final delivery for the week arrived today, as well. My lovely Aunts kindly offered to throw a baby shower for my family that lives in Louisville - which is set for February 11th. Anita sent out the invitations over the weekend, and I receied my copy in today's mail. I love how girly they are! :) I'm very excited for my shower - gives me a great excuse to see my family!
This weekend, we're wrapping up the painting of the birds - even though this was my goal last weekend. We're now officially in the double-digit countdown days - only 98 days left! Eric asked if I was going to make a countdown chain (as many kids do for Christmas...) - my response back: "If he's lucky!" In all reality - I won't - instead, I'll do the adult thing and will depend on my iPhone app.
Quick Reflections from Week 26:
Movement: She's got moves like Jagger! She's booking it left and right these days. It's starting to be a little distracting as she's making her presence known during meetings at work, conversations and TV at home.
Cravings/Adversions: Not much happening here. I really wanting some ice cream the other night, and my sweet-tooth husband didn't object.
I am feeling: Much better! For almost three straight days I had a not-so-nice sinus headache that I just couldn't shake. Not even a nap covered it. Darn, Indiana weather. It's finally gone...and I hope it stays away for a long time.
What I miss most: Being able to "fold". No, not clothes - that I still don't do...I'm talking about being able to bend over to pick up a paper clip I've dropped from my desk. Seems simple enough - but when your stomach doesn't fold like it used to - it makes for a funny-looking picture.
Best moment of the past week: Watching IU and Uof L lose...OK - best moment regarding Gwen, all the happenings in her room! :)
What I'm looking forward to this week: Wrapping up the final details of her room - we're down to the last-minute items. After this weekend, all that's left is to add a baby!
To follow-up on the fun things happening to the nursery, all of her furniture finally is in its home! (Not in the places they will stay in the room, but they're in there no less.) This past weekend, Mom and Dad brought of the dresser that's been repainted to match the crib. I love how it's turned out! There's a few touch-up spots that need to be hit, and I still need to purchase new drawer pulls - but it looks fantastic against the pink paint!
Because my pregnancy-brain is in full force tonight, I've forgotten if I've shared where this dresser came from. This is from a set of furniture that belonged to Gwen's Nana's Nana. The original color was a stained, brown wood - but with a little Therese Touch, it now matches. It's very special to have a piece of furniture with a little bit of family history in the nursery.
And, an even bigger delivery arrived on Saturday - which Eric picked it up today...the ah-maz-ing rocking recliner! I may never leave this chair...and, I'm not kidding. The color matches perfectly with the rest of the room. (We can't take credit for the rocking recliner idea - it came highly recommended by Angie.)
The final delivery for the week arrived today, as well. My lovely Aunts kindly offered to throw a baby shower for my family that lives in Louisville - which is set for February 11th. Anita sent out the invitations over the weekend, and I receied my copy in today's mail. I love how girly they are! :) I'm very excited for my shower - gives me a great excuse to see my family!
This weekend, we're wrapping up the painting of the birds - even though this was my goal last weekend. We're now officially in the double-digit countdown days - only 98 days left! Eric asked if I was going to make a countdown chain (as many kids do for Christmas...) - my response back: "If he's lucky!" In all reality - I won't - instead, I'll do the adult thing and will depend on my iPhone app.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Week 25
This week seemed to creep up much slower than any of the rest. Finally we had a week that included multiple nights catching up on sitcoms and very little chaos. (Of course, that doesn't exclude the amount of hours spent at work the last two days. I'm beat!)
We're at Week 25 and officially in Month 6! :)
The biggest challenge I've found recently is trying to stay comfortable on my side. With my ever-expanding belly it means my hips are also moving. And, being a woman with hips before Gwen really isn't helping. It takes me a few minutes - but after a little shuffle, I usually find "the" spot and stick there. For those who I may be text messaging with before bed - and our conversation quickly ends...it isn't because I'm not interested - it's because I refuse to move!
Gwen doesn't seem to be shying away from letting me know she's around. I imagine her sitting in my belly practicing her backstroke. For a few weeks in the past, she was consistently on my right side - but now, it's all over. I'm having a hard time dividing between hiccups, her movement flutters and her kicks - but I love them all.
As for the progress on her room, Mom has done an amazing on her bedding! This weekend she finished the bed skirt - which looks fantastic! Next weekend she's planning to start on the bumper, and after that she's done...until I think of something else. :)
We also started on the birds over the crib. There's definitely no doubt this is a girl's room - and no lack of color! The birds are slowly starting to become my favorite part of her room.
When we reach Week 26, we'll be officially out of triple-digit countdown days and into the double-digits! We were pretty excited when counting down to our wedding when we hit double-digits, but really - this is much better. :)
We're at Week 25 and officially in Month 6! :)
The biggest challenge I've found recently is trying to stay comfortable on my side. With my ever-expanding belly it means my hips are also moving. And, being a woman with hips before Gwen really isn't helping. It takes me a few minutes - but after a little shuffle, I usually find "the" spot and stick there. For those who I may be text messaging with before bed - and our conversation quickly ends...it isn't because I'm not interested - it's because I refuse to move!
Gwen doesn't seem to be shying away from letting me know she's around. I imagine her sitting in my belly practicing her backstroke. For a few weeks in the past, she was consistently on my right side - but now, it's all over. I'm having a hard time dividing between hiccups, her movement flutters and her kicks - but I love them all.
As for the progress on her room, Mom has done an amazing on her bedding! This weekend she finished the bed skirt - which looks fantastic! Next weekend she's planning to start on the bumper, and after that she's done...until I think of something else. :)
We also started on the birds over the crib. There's definitely no doubt this is a girl's room - and no lack of color! The birds are slowly starting to become my favorite part of her room.
When we reach Week 26, we'll be officially out of triple-digit countdown days and into the double-digits! We were pretty excited when counting down to our wedding when we hit double-digits, but really - this is much better. :)
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
TV, Basketball, Dinner and Gwen
Here we are at Week 24 (and a day behind, I know!). Really the only difference physically between this week and last week are Gwen's kicks! :) They're the first thing I feel when I wake up and the last thing I feel before I go to bed. I absolutely love this feeling - and can not wait for Eric to be able to feel them. Just the other night I had my arm wrapped over my belly and was pretty sure I saw it "pop" up and down.
A few things DID change over the New Year weekend, and as usual it goes to show how blessed we are to have such an amazing family! Imagine a weekend full of Dexter, UK basketball, dinner with family and Gwen. Tap in ringing in another year together (Eric and I began dating on New Year's Eve many years ago!) and you've got yourself THE weekend we experienced.
Because Dad had been traveling over the last 3-4 months, he missed our favorite and non-family appropriate-but-still-can't-help-ourselves show! Eric and I came to the rescue and beginning at 10am on Saturday we plopped ourselves in the living room and began watching episode after episode. Of course, at noon we made a desperate pause in the show to watch our UK Cats beat the UofL Cardinals (again). Gwen finally came into the picture when I (may have) "begged" Dad to put up her ceiling light. In record time (during halftime) he put the light up and it looks great. Thanks, Dad!
We watched another episode, paused again for a New Year's Eve dinner at Bonefish. After we returned home, Eric and I watched as Dad tried "guessing" what was happening during the Dexter season - Mom was busy away making the curtains for Gwen's room. The only credit I can take is approving her craftswomanship. She did an abosolutely amazing job and I looove them!
Sunday morning, Mom and Dad were back at our house - and, again while Mom "slaved" away cutting the patterns for the crib bedding - the rest of us finished up the TV series season. That night we grabbed dinner together again, and - per Dad's request - took a trip over to Babies R Us. As we were leaving Dad told us "thank you" for letting us walk through the store and that "he's just getting excited". Talk about a trigger of emotions! :)
We did also make a trip to Ashley Furniture and purchased the rocker/recliner for Gwen's room. This was much of the discussion for several weeks. We knew we wanted more of a recliner than a rocker (as we imagine having to count a few sheep in her room), but the debate came down to whether "to rock" or "to not". Final decison: rock. It should arrive for pick-up anywhere between 2-4 weeks.
Monday afternoon we tackled the first coat of the tree on the wall in her room. At first Eric was going to work on this alone - but, I couldn't not participate! It took us about two hours to complete the first coat, and it still needs that second coat for sure, but I'm IN LOVE with how it looks!
It's crazy to see the tracker inching closer towards the right, closer towards the end. I can't mention enough about how much I'm enjoying pregnancy, which makes me one lucky girl. As for the countdown I mentioned last week...
A few things DID change over the New Year weekend, and as usual it goes to show how blessed we are to have such an amazing family! Imagine a weekend full of Dexter, UK basketball, dinner with family and Gwen. Tap in ringing in another year together (Eric and I began dating on New Year's Eve many years ago!) and you've got yourself THE weekend we experienced.
Because Dad had been traveling over the last 3-4 months, he missed our favorite and non-family appropriate-but-still-can't-help-ourselves show! Eric and I came to the rescue and beginning at 10am on Saturday we plopped ourselves in the living room and began watching episode after episode. Of course, at noon we made a desperate pause in the show to watch our UK Cats beat the UofL Cardinals (again). Gwen finally came into the picture when I (may have) "begged" Dad to put up her ceiling light. In record time (during halftime) he put the light up and it looks great. Thanks, Dad!
We watched another episode, paused again for a New Year's Eve dinner at Bonefish. After we returned home, Eric and I watched as Dad tried "guessing" what was happening during the Dexter season - Mom was busy away making the curtains for Gwen's room. The only credit I can take is approving her craftswomanship. She did an abosolutely amazing job and I looove them!
We did also make a trip to Ashley Furniture and purchased the rocker/recliner for Gwen's room. This was much of the discussion for several weeks. We knew we wanted more of a recliner than a rocker (as we imagine having to count a few sheep in her room), but the debate came down to whether "to rock" or "to not". Final decison: rock. It should arrive for pick-up anywhere between 2-4 weeks.
Monday afternoon we tackled the first coat of the tree on the wall in her room. At first Eric was going to work on this alone - but, I couldn't not participate! It took us about two hours to complete the first coat, and it still needs that second coat for sure, but I'm IN LOVE with how it looks!
It's crazy to see the tracker inching closer towards the right, closer towards the end. I can't mention enough about how much I'm enjoying pregnancy, which makes me one lucky girl. As for the countdown I mentioned last week...
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